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Upload files using Filezilla

Filezilla is a free software that you can use to upload your webpages and data to your webserver. It is easy to use and i use it myself to transfer my data to my webserver. In this guide, i am going to tell you how to configure and use it.

To start, you need the client software. Download it from Filezilla's website if you don't have it already.

1. Install the software and run it.

2. Click Edit and then Settings on the main screen. The settings window will appear. Under Connection, click Run configuration wizard now. The configuration wizard will open. Click next.

3. The wizard will ask you about which transfer mode you want to use, Active or Passive.

In Passive mode the client requrest the server to connect and then server selects a port to establish connection. In Active mode the client selects a ports and then ask the server to connect to that port to establish connection.

Passive mode is set by default, leave it checked and also check allow fallback to other mode on failure. Click next.

Filezilla active passive

4. The wizard will ask you about configuring passive mode. Select Fallback to active mode and click next.

filezilla settings

5. Now, the wizard will ask you about configuring active mode.

(a). If you don't use a router to connect to the internet and have a direct connection, check Ask your operating system for external ip address.

filezilla settings

(b). If you connect to the internet using a router and your Internet service provider has assigned you a static ip address, check Use the following Ip address and enter that ip address here.

To check if you have a static ip address, try restarting and reconnecting your router to the internet. If it returns the same ip address from the server you have a static ip address and if different you have a dynamic ip address. You can check this by logging in to your router and checking the connection information or server logs.

(c). If you connet to the internet using a router and have a dynamic ip address, select Get external ip address from the following ip address and leave the default url address there. Check Don't use external ip addresses on local conenction and click next.

6. On the next screen configure the ports that filezilla will use.

(a). If you don't use a router select Ask operating system for a port.

(b). If you use a router, select Use the following port range and enter any port range between 1024 and 65535. Give atleast 10 ports and be carefull don't give the ports already in use by other programs. Click next.

Note: You must open/forward the ports you give here in your router and firewall as well.


7. Click Test now, if you entered everything correct you will see a success message. Click next and click finish.

filezilla settings

At this point you have done enough configuration to be able to trasfer files from your computer to your server.

If you want to see some additional speed settings read on the steps below or else your work is done.

8. Click Transfers on the left side. Under the heading Concurrent transfers, you will see maximum simultaneous transfers. The default setting is 1. Increasing this will incease your upload speed by transferring more files at once. For example if you select 2 you will be able to transfer 2 files at the same time.

This will only work if your connection and your web hosting server supports more upload speed and simaltaneous connections. You can try setting this to 2 and if it doesn't work, then set it back to 1.

filezilla speed

For any reason if you want to restrict uploading and downloading speeds you can do this by enabling speed limits under the heading speed limits. Click ok to close this dialogue box.

9. Enter your Host name, User Name and Password on the main screen. These are provided by you web hosting provider.

filezilla upload

If your web host has given you a port number, enter it as well otherwise leave it blank, then click Quick connect. If everything works fine you can connect and start uploading your files.

Below this connection box you will see two frames Loal Site and Remote Site. Local site displays files on your computer and remote site displays files on the remote server.

Thats it. Now you can easily transfer files from your computer to your server or viceversa. Good luck!

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